
Intercom focuses on health and safety with T72, a line of products for industrial and food cleaning

In the manufacturing sector, especially in those situations where polymers are used in the different application methods, it is crucial to solve the cleaning problems of the plants.

From mixers to impregnation rollers to dispersion and gluing belts, the cleaning of these systems is generally carried out using solvents, which present a high risk of explosiveness and release of vapors in the work environment.

Intercom S.r.l. has developed over time a series of industrial detergents capable of responding to the needs of these manufacturing realities. T72 Cleaner made by Intercom helps to solve:

• Atex risks linked to explosiveness
• the risks to health and safety in the workplace by eliminating the exposure impact of workers to VOC / VOC vapors
• facilitates the management of detergents once used

T72 is made with a mixture of special water-based emollient / cleaning agents of vegetable origin, an ideal product for the thermosetting resins sector (phenolic / polyester / melamine and similar) and in classic applications such as, for example, rigid and flexible abrasives. , decorative and dielectric laminates, foundries and refractories and in any case where it is necessary to clean production plants.

To find out more about the T72 Cleaner, visit the product page of our website

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via San Severo 55
21040 Oggiona con S. Stefano (VA)

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